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School Readiness

School Readiness

In NSW, your child can start Kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if they turn five on or before 31 July in that year.

The transition to ‘big’ school is a significant event in the life of a child. At Little Sparkles, our aim is to effectively prepare the children so their move to formal education is a positive experience.

We understand that children develop at different rates and learn skills in different ways. Because of this, we adopt many different teaching and learning styles and experiences. Our programs are designed with school readiness in mind and focus on developing the language skills, motor co-ordination & skills and concentration, as well as social and emotional maturity. We encourage independence of the children so when the times comes they’re able to go to the toilet by themselves, follow instructions and a classroom routine, and deal with the challenges they may encounter at primary school.

We firmly believe that by supporting your child in reaching their developmental milestones, prepares them for ongoing academic and social success.

The move to ‘big’ school can be daunting for both a child and their family. Please discuss any questions you may have regarding your child’s readiness with their Little Sparkles educator.

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